!function(){"use strict";var r=[],t=[];window.Levenshtein={get:function(e,n){var o,f,i,u,c,h,a=e.length,d=n.length;if(0===a)return d;if(0===d)return a;for(i=0;i(c=o+1)&&(f=c),f>(c=r[u+1]+1)&&(f=c),r[u]=o;r[u]=f}return f}}}(); /** * Anything up here BLOCKS PAGE LOAD - exercise extreme caution. * Functions are probably okay - as long as they don't load 3rd party content * We're putting global helpers into a custom object to avoid namespace issues */ const G_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY = "6Lf1FtQZAAAAAKGsW3JoCdtQfzfCb2umWbEoyOjE"; var AsanaTranslations = { emailRegexFail: { en: "Something doesn't look right. Please check the email and try again", de: "Hier scheint etwas nicht zu stimmen. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und versuchen Sie es erneut.", es: "Al parecer, algo no está bien. Verifica tu email e intenta nuevamente.", fr: "Il semble y avoir une erreur. Veuillez vérifier votre adresse e-mail, puis réessayer.", id: "Sepertinya ada yang tidak beres. Harap periksa email tersebut dan coba lagi", it: "Sembra che ci sia un errore. Controlla l'indirizzo email e riprova", ja: "どこかに問題があるようです。メールアドレスを確認してもう一度試してください。", ko: "문제가 발생했습니다. 이메일을 확인하고 다시 시도하세요", nl: "Iets ziet er niet goed uit. Controleer het e-mailadres en probeer het opnieuw", pl: "Coś jest nie tak. Sprawdź adres e-mail i spróbuj ponownie.", pt: "Parece que algo não está correto. Verifique seu endereço de e-mail e tente novamente.", ru: "Что-то не так. Проверьте адрес электронной почты и попробуйте ещё раз", sv: "Något verkar ha gått fel. Kontrollera din e-postadress och försök igen", "zh-tw": "似乎有地方出錯了。請檢查電子郵件,並再試一次。", }, asanaTip: { en: "Asana Tip: ", de: "Asana-Tipp: ", es: "Consejo de Asana: ", fr: "Astuce Asana : ", id: "Kiat Asana: ", it: "Suggerimento di Asana: ", ja: "Asana ヒント: ", ko: "Asana 팁: ", nl: "Asana-tip: ", pl: "Wskazówka Asany: ", pt: "Dica da Asana: ", ru: "Совет Asana: ", sv: "Asana-tips: ", "zh-tw": "Asana 提示:", }, getCurrentPageLanguage: function () { const defaultLanguage = 'en' const languageCodes = ['de', 'es', 'fr', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'nl', 'pl', 'pt', 'ru', 'sv', 'zh-tw'] var currentPathFirstSegment = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; return languageCodes.indexOf(currentPathFirstSegment) > -1 ? currentPathFirstSegment : defaultLanguage; }, getLanguagePreference: function () { const languagePreferenceCookieName = 'lang_pref' return AsanaStorage.getCookie(languagePreferenceCookieName) || null; }, } //BEGIN of duplicative email code //This is to avoid needing imports or changing scripts to modules //Since this file needs to be migrated anyway, we should not worry much about this duplication const EMAIL_REGEX = /^([a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)$/i; function isValidEmail(email) { return EMAIL_REGEX.test(email); } const PERSONAL_DOMAINS = [ "126.com", "163.com", "1and1.com", "aol.com", "aol.it", "att.net", "bbox.fr", "bellsouth.net", "bigpond.com", "bigpond.com.au", "bigpond.net.au", "bluewin.ch", "btinternet.com", "charter.net", "comcast.net", "cox.net", "earthlink.net", "email.com", "excite.com", "facebook.com", "fastmail.fm", "free.fr", "freenet.de", "front.ru", "frontier.com", "frontiernet.net", "fuse.net", "gmail.com", "gmx.at", "gmx.com", "gmx.de", "gmx.fr", "gmx.li", "gmx.net", "googlemail.com", "home.nl", "home.no.net", "home.ro", "home.se", "hotmail.be", "hotmail.co.il", "hotmail.co.uk", "hotmail.com", "hotmail.com.ar", "hotmail.com.br", "hotmail.com.mx", "hotmail.de", "hotmail.es", "hotmail.fr", "hotmail.it", "hotmail.kg", "hotmail.kz", "hotmail.ru", "icloud.com", "inbox.com", "inbox.ru", "juno.com", "laposte.net", "libero.it", "list.ru", "live.be", "live.ca", "live.co.uk", "live.com", "live.com.ar", "live.com.au", "live.com.mx", "live.de", "live.fr", "live.it", "live.nl", "livemail.tw", "mac.com", "mail.com", "mail.ru", "mailinator.com", "me.com", "mindspring.com", "msn.com", "netscape.net", "netzero.net", "neuf.fr", "notmailinator.com", "numericable.fr", "orange.fr", "outlook.com", "outlook.com.br", "pacbell.net", "planet.nl", "pobox.com", "post.com", "post.cz", "prodigy.net", "prodigy.net.mx", "protonmail.com", "qq.com", "rediffmail.com", "roadrunner.com", "sbcglobal.net", "sfr.fr", "shaw.ca", "sina.cn", "sina.com", "sinamail.com", "sky.com", "sky.com.br", "sky.com.mx", "skynet.be", "spamarrest.com", "spamfence.net", "spamgourmet.com", "t-online.de", "telenet.be", "telus.net", "terra.com.br", "tiscali.co.uk", "tiscali.it", "uol.com.br", "usa.net", "verizon.net", "wanadoo.fr", "web.de", "windowslive.com", "ya.ru", "yahoo.ca", "yahoo.co.id", "yahoo.co.in", "yahoo.co.jp", "yahoo.co.kr", "yahoo.co.nz", "yahoo.co.uk", "yahoo.com", "yahoo.com.ar", "yahoo.com.au", "yahoo.com.br", "yahoo.com.cn", "yahoo.com.hk", "yahoo.com.is", "yahoo.com.mx", "yahoo.com.ph", "yahoo.com.ru", "yahoo.com.sg", "yahoo.de", "yahoo.dk", "yahoo.es", "yahoo.fr", "yahoo.ie", "yahoo.in", "yahoo.it", "yahoo.jp", "yahoo.ru", "yahoo.se", "yandex.com", "yandex.ru", "ymail.com", "yopmail.com", "yopmail.fr", "zoho.com", ] function isPersonalEmail(email) { // technically you can have multiple @'s in an email address const parts = email.split("@"); // get the last chunk, which will be a domain const domain = parts[parts.length - 1]; return PERSONAL_DOMAINS.includes(domain); } //END of duplicative email code /** * Conversion number for users signing up */ var convNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000); /** * top-level utilities for all asana sites */ var AsanaHelpers = { generateNewXsrfToken: function () { // Compact UUID4 algorithm from https://gist.github.com/jed/982883 function b(a) { return a ? (a ^ ((Math.random() * 16) >> (a / 4))).toString(16) : ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, b); } if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && window.Uint32Array) { return crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(4)).join('-'); } else { // Old browser return b(); } }, /** * Return an xsrf token corresponding to the value in the xsrf_token cookie. * If there is no cookie then create one. */ getOrCreateXsrfToken: function () { var xsrf_token = AsanaStorage.getCookie('xsrf_token'); if (!xsrf_token) { xsrf_token = this.generateNewXsrfToken(); } AsanaStorage.setCookie('xsrf_token', xsrf_token, AsanaStorage.CATEGORY.NECESSARY, 1 / 24, true); // expires in 1hr return xsrf_token; }, /** * if on localhost, use sandbox, otherwise go to the web app * append options for signup, auth, and experiments to url */ appUrl: function (opt_suffix, opt_prefix) { if (opt_suffix === undefined) { opt_suffix = ''; } if (!opt_prefix) { opt_prefix = ''; } else { opt_prefix += '.'; } // Please do not change "false" // That is going to be replaced when running the dev server or when the site is built // setting the environment variable "IS_SANDBOX" to any value. // " and " are part of a template system that takes care of the replacement. // It was specially formatted this way to avoid any lint issue. // The default value would be "false" if the env variable "IS_SANDBOX" is not set at all if (window.location.hostname === 'local.asana.com' && false) { return 'https://localhost.asana.com:8180' + opt_suffix; } else { return 'https://' + opt_prefix + 'app.asana.com' + opt_suffix; } }, /** * if on i18n page, adjust link with prefix */ asanaDotComUrl: function (english_path) { if (english_path === undefined) { english_path = ''; } var currentLang = AsanaTranslations.getCurrentPageLanguage(); return currentLang === 'en' ? english_path : '/' + currentLang + english_path; }, /** * tests to see if the browser’s userAgent matches iOS, Android, or IE * returns a string which is used in setGlobalClasses() and isMobilePlatform() */ specialPlatform: function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent; if (ua.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/)) { return 'ios'; } else if (ua.match(/Android|Pixel/)) { return 'android'; } else if (ua.match(/MSIE/)) { return 'ie'; } else { return false; } }, /** * returns true for either android or ios userAgents */ isMobilePlatform: function () { return this.specialPlatform() === 'ios' || this.specialPlatform() === 'android'; }, /** * returns true if the cookie for logged in exists * used in setGlobalClasses() */ isLoggedIn: function () { return document.cookie.indexOf('is_logged_in') !== -1; }, // TODO: rename this function - it doesn't answer the question "is the user premium?", instead it does DOM manipulation and sessionStorage changing in case the app has indicated the user is indeed premium isPremiumUser: function (data) { if (data.user_in_premium_domain || data.user_in_premium_team) { document.querySelectorAll(".visible-premium").forEach(function(el){el.style.display = "block"}); document.querySelectorAll(".hidden-premium").forEach(function(el){el.style.display = "none"}); // The setItem interface was reverted to accept strings only on the 2011 Sept 1st draft to // match the behavior of existing implementations, as none of the vendors are interested in // supporting storing non-strings // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3263161/cannot-set-boolean-values-in-localstorage window.sessionStorage.setItem('isPremium', '1'); } }, /** * sets global classes for specific devices/platforms based on userAgents * see specialPlatform(), isMobilePlatform(), and isLoggedIn() */ setGlobalClasses: function () { if (this.specialPlatform() === 'ios') { document.querySelector("html").classList.add("device-ios"); } if (this.specialPlatform() === 'android') { document.querySelector("html").classList.add("device-android"); } if (this.isMobilePlatform()) { document.querySelector("html").classList.add("device-mobile"); } if (this.isLoggedIn()) { if (window.sessionStorage.isPremium == '1') { document.querySelectorAll(".visible-premium").forEach(function(el){el.style.display = "block"}); document.querySelectorAll(".hidden-premium").forEach(function(el){el.style.display = "none"}); } else { AsanaAppUserInfo.get(this.isPremiumUser); } } }, /** * Enables, disables or toggles background scrolling via class on . * * @param {boolean|undefined} enable - Optional. True to allow background scroll, False to disable, undefined to toggle. * @returns {void} */ setBackgroundScroll: function (enable) { var noScrollClass = '-no-scroll'; // Determine behavior in toggle case if (typeof enable === 'undefined') { enable = document.querySelector("html").classList.contains(noScrollClass); } if (enable) { document.querySelector("html").classList.remove(noScrollClass); } else { document.querySelector("html").classList.add(noScrollClass); } }, /** Our modals are #anchored elements styled via :target attributes, so you just * need to navigate to them! Pass the modal's ID in to simulate visiting that URL * * Sets currentModal and disables background scrolling. * * @param {string} modal - Modal name. * @param {Object} data - Data from the modal's opener. * @param {HTMLElement} opener - Element that triggered modal opening. * @returns {void} */ showModal: function (modal, data, opener) { AsanaHelpers.currentModal = { name: modal, element: () => document.getElementById(modal), opener: opener, data: data || {}, }; AsanaHelpers.setBackgroundScroll(false); window.location.hash = modal; }, signupModal: { init: function () { setTimeout(function () { var signupBtn = document.querySelector('#signup.modal .js-signup-button'); var closeTriggers = document.querySelectorAll('#signup.modal [data-modal-close]'); if (signupBtn && closeTriggers) { const clickHandler = AsanaHelpers.signupModal.getSignupClickHandler(); signupBtn.addEventListener('click', clickHandler); closeTriggers.forEach(function (trigger) { trigger.addEventListener('click', function () { signupBtn.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler); }); }); } }, 1000); }, getSignupClickHandler: function () { return function (event) { event.preventDefault(); try { var form = document.querySelector('#signup.modal .signupForm'); var signupModalContainer = document.querySelector('#signup.modal .modal-container'); var closeTriggers = document.querySelectorAll('#signup.modal [data-modal-close]'); var emailInput = form.querySelector('input.signup-email'); var email = emailInput.value; //email validation block taken from signup function if (!isValidEmail(email)) { var currentLanguage = AsanaTranslations.getCurrentPageLanguage(); emailInput.setCustomValidity(AsanaTranslations.emailRegexFail[currentLanguage]); emailInput.reportValidity(); console.error('Email not validated because of function above but passed HTML validator.'); emailInput.addEventListener('input', function inputHandler() { emailInput.setCustomValidity(''); emailInput.removeEventListener('input', inputHandler); }); } else { signupModalContainer.classList.add('premium-reminder-modal-transition'); //overriding sso variable b/c no way to handle callback from signupWithEmail AsanaSignupUtils.validateDomain.hasTriedInvalidDomain = true; closeTriggers.forEach(function (trigger) { trigger.addEventListener('click', function () { AsanaHelpers.enterFreeSignupFlow(); AsanaHelpers.signupWithEmail(form); }); }); } } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } } }, }, /** * When a modal is shown, this contains: { * name: string Name of the modal * element: HTMLElement The DOM element for the modal * opener: any Whatever caused the modal to open. Usually this is * an HTMLAnchorElement, but can be anything if opened * from code. * data: Object Any data associated with triggering the modal. If a * link triggered the modal, this will be the link's * `.dataset` * } */ currentModal: null, /** * Set of utilities to manage the "tier" property on the ecommerceConfig object. * This information is consumed by the signup endpoint. * The tier can be set through the user journey via the setTier{TIER_NAME}() method. */ tier: { defaultTier: null, tierNamesById: { 'tier-0-free': 'free', 'tier-starter': 'starter', 'tier-advanced': 'advanced', 'tier-2-enterprise': 'enterprise', }, /** * Gets the human readable name of the provided tier id * * @param tierId * @return {string|null} */ getTierNameById: function (tierId) { return this.tierNamesById[tierId] || null; }, /** * Gets the currently set tier id * * @return {"tier-0-free"|"tier-starter"|"tier-advanced"|"tier-2-enterprise"|null} */ getCurrentTier: function () { var config = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); return config['tier'] || this.defaultTier; }, /** * Gets the current tier human readable name * * @return {"free"|"starter"|"advanced"|"enterprise"|null} */ getCurrentTierName: function () { return this.getTierNameById(this.getCurrentTier()); }, setCurrentTier: function (tierId) { if (!this.tierNamesById[tierId] && tierId !== null) { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException(tierId + ' is not a valid tierId', 'invalid setCurrentTier param'); return; } AsanaStorage.updateEcommerceConfig(function (config) { config['tier'] = tierId; return config; }); }, setTierFree: function () { this.setCurrentTier('tier-0-free'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isTierFree: function () { return this.getCurrentTier() === 'tier-0-free'; }, setTierPremium: function () { this.setCurrentTier('tier-starter'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isTierPremium: function () { return this.getCurrentTier() === 'tier-starter'; }, setTierBusiness: function () { this.setCurrentTier('tier-advanced'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isTierBusiness: function () { return this.getCurrentTier() === 'tier-advanced'; }, setTierDefault: function () { this.setCurrentTier(this.defaultTier); }, }, signupEmailType: { validEmailTypes: ['personal', 'work'], getSignupEmailType: function () { var config = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); return config['signup_email_type'] || null; }, setSignupEmailType: function (signupEmailType) { if (!this.validEmailTypes.includes(signupEmailType)) { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException( signupEmailType + ' is not a valid signup email type', 'invalid setSignupEmailType param', ); return; } AsanaStorage.updateEcommerceConfig(function (config) { config['signup_email_type'] = signupEmailType; return config; }); }, setSignupEmailTypePersonal: function () { this.setSignupEmailType('personal'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isSignupEmailTypePersonal: function () { return this.getSignupEmailType() === 'personal'; }, setSignupEmailTypeWork: function () { this.setSignupEmailType('work'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isSignupEmailTypeWork: function () { return this.getSignupEmailType() === 'work'; }, }, billableGroupType: { CONFIG_KEY: 'billable_group_type', validBillableGroupTypes: [ '', // The org is fully paid 'org', // The org is partially paid with 5 or more users 'team', // The org is partially paid with 4 or fewer users 'new_org', // This is new org 'workspace', // This is a workspace ], setUsingEmail: function (email) { if (isPersonalEmail(email)) { this.setWorkspace(); } else { this.setNewOrg(); } }, /** * @return {null|string} */ get: function () { var config = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); return config[this.CONFIG_KEY]; }, set: function (billableGroupType) { if (!this.validBillableGroupTypes.includes(billableGroupType)) { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException( billableGroupType + ' is not a valid signup email type', 'invalid setBillableGroupType param', ); return; } var config = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); config[this.CONFIG_KEY] = billableGroupType; AsanaStorage.setEcommerceConfig(config); }, setFullyPaid: function () { this.set(''); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isFullyPaid: function () { return this.get() === ''; }, setTypeOrg: function () { this.set('org'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isOrg: function () { return this.get() === 'org'; }, setTeam: function () { this.set('team'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isTeam: function () { return this.get() === 'team'; }, setNewOrg: function () { this.set('new_org'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isNewOrg: function () { return this.get() === 'new_org'; }, setWorkspace: function () { this.set('workspace'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isWorkspace: function () { return this.get() === 'workspace'; }, }, /** * The default state of signing up for trials is now true. A user at the * moment should only signup for trial false if they are in the free tier. * isInTrialFlow the variable is passed in when signing up */ trial: { isInTrialFlow: true, setTrialDefault: function () { AsanaHelpers.trial.isInTrialFlow = true; }, setTrialTrue: function () { AsanaHelpers.trial.isInTrialFlow = true; }, setTrialFalse: function () { AsanaHelpers.trial.isInTrialFlow = false; }, }, enterFreeSignupFlow: function () { AsanaHelpers.trial.setTrialFalse(); AsanaHelpers.tier.setTierFree(); var ecommerceConfig = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); ecommerceConfig['free_user'] = true; ecommerceConfig['is_trial'] = 'false'; AsanaStorage.setEcommerceConfig(ecommerceConfig); }, recordPurchaseIntent: function () { AsanaHelpers.trial.setTrialFalse(); var ecommerceConfig = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); ecommerceConfig['free_user'] = false; ecommerceConfig['is_purchase'] = true; AsanaStorage.setEcommerceConfig(ecommerceConfig); }, recordTrialIntent: function () { AsanaHelpers.trial.setTrialTrue(); var ecommerceConfig = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); ecommerceConfig['free_user'] = false; ecommerceConfig['is_trial'] = 'true'; ecommerceConfig['is_purchase'] = false; AsanaStorage.setEcommerceConfig(ecommerceConfig); }, /** * Get any page-level metadata that might be available. * * Metadata can be specified as JSON script blobs anywhere in the page that * have a `data-page-metadata` attribute. All such blobs are merged together * (in page order) to create the final result. For example: * * * * * You can put many properties in each blob. Supporting multiple blobs allows * independent components to each add to the page's metadata. * * @returns {Object} */ getPageMetadata: function () { if (!AsanaHelpers._pageMetadata) { var metadata = {}; document.querySelectorAll('[data-page-metadata]').forEach(function(node) { try { var parsed = JSON.parse(node.textContent); Object.assign(metadata, parsed); } catch (error) { if (console) { (console.error || console.log)( 'Could not parse page metadata: `' + node.textContent + '`', ); } } }); // Don't cache the results if the HTML document is still loading; there // may be more undiscovered metadata coming in. if (document.readyState === 'loading') return metadata; AsanaHelpers._pageMetadata = metadata; } return AsanaHelpers._pageMetadata; }, /** * For a user who signs up through a segmented langing page, we want to * include a parameter called "use_case_segment" with a different value * depending on the landing page. If the page metadata contains a * use_case_segment, that will be returned. Otherwise, this checks the URL * for values from `userSegmentationValueMap`, which maps URL segments to * the value that should be passed to the form. * @returns {string} */ getUserSegment: function () { var meta = AsanaHelpers.getPageMetadata(); if (meta.use_case_segment) return meta.use_case_segment; var userSegmentationValueMap = { 'marketing': 'marketing', 'product-managers': 'product', 'designers': 'design', 'engineering': 'engineering', 'hr': 'hr', 'it': 'it', }; var checkUrlForMatch = function (keys) { var url = window.location.href; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (url.indexOf('/teams/' + keys[i]) > -1) { return keys[i]; } } return null; }; var keys = Object.keys(userSegmentationValueMap); var userSegmentationKey = checkUrlForMatch(keys); var userSegmentationValue = userSegmentationKey ? userSegmentationValueMap[userSegmentationKey] : ''; return userSegmentationValue; }, /** * Determine what application template a user might be looking at. * * For a user who signs up through a template gallery page or in some * template-focused context, we want to include a `registered_with_use_case_template` field * with the template’s ID. That way, the app can automatically set up with * the template when they first log in. * * @returns {string} */ getUserTemplate: function () { return AsanaHelpers.getPageMetadata().registered_with_use_case_template || ''; }, /** * Begins login modal flow: * 1. Pushes a login event to GA * 2. If the browser is iOS or Android, just a redirect to the web version. see appURL() * 3. Otherwise, show the login modal * and focus the email field unless you’re on IE, which hides the placeholder in the text field onFocus * * TODO: Determine if Login Modal flow even exists anymore. The only component calling this is HeaderGuide * This function either directs to an app url before a modal is shown, or triggers a modal with hash 'login' * However, GuideModal attaches event listeners to listen to hash changes and when 'login' is used, it redirects the user to /-/login * So it appears there are not legitimate flows where a modal will actually show when this function is used. */ showLoginModal: function () { if (this.isMobilePlatform()) { window.location = AsanaHelpers.appUrl('/'); return false; } AsanaHelpers.showModal('login'); // TODO: determine if this block below is ever actually executed. See above notes about Login Modal flow. if (!this.specialPlatform()) { // ie and mobile prevent the placeholder from being visible and/or pop // up a keyboard var loginEmailLoginModal = document.querySelector('#login-email-login-modal'); if (loginEmailLoginModal) loginEmailLoginModal.focus(); } }, /** * Callbacks that can be overridden with with component-specific functionality * These are global references meant to be overridden with React-specific functionality * These can be removed when signup code is all React-ified */ signupPreventedCallbacks: { /** * Callback to be fired when API returns a rejected signup because of personal email */ personalEmailErrorCallback: function () { }, /** * Callback to be fired when API returns a rejected channel signup */ partnershipEmailBlockedByChannel: function (blockReason) { }, /** * Callback to be fired when API returns a rejected signup because of an invalid partnership value */ invalidPartnershipErrorCallback: function () { }, /** * Callback to be fired when API returns user_can_self_serve_channel: true for an existing user */ partnershipExistingUserSelfServeCallback: function (userEmail) { }, /** * Callback to be fired when API returns user_can_self_serve_channel: false for an existing user */ partnershipExistingUserSelfServeBlockCallback: function (userEmail) { }, /** * Callback to be fired when API returns user_can_self_serve_channel: false for a new user */ partnershipNewUserSelfServeBlockCallback: function (userEmail) { }, /** * Callback to be fired when signupWithEmail returns early due to an invalid email */ invalidEmailErrorCallback: function () { }, }, /** * Begins the email signup flow, approximately 2/3rds of signups, pushes * relevant analytics data. Major updates to this function should include test * coverage * * @param {HTMLElement} form - A DOM node of form element * @param {options} [options] - An optional object with additional data * @param {boolean} [options.isContentful] - A boolean noting whether the form is from Contentful * @param {string} [options.partnershipChannel] - A string identifying the partnership channel if needed * @param {string} [options.isAutoSignup] - A boolean noting whether the signup was triggered automatically * @param {boolean} [options.supportsPinVerification] - A boolean noting whether the signup supports email verification by PIN */ signupWithEmail: function (form, options) { var isContentful = options && options.isContentful; var partnershipChannel = options && options.partnershipChannel; var isAutoSignup = options && options.isAutoSignup; var supportsPinVerification = options && options.supportsPinVerification; // this property is used to track signups originating from external pages, such as forms, across the create-account page and the webapp // more information can be found here: https://app.asana.com/0/1201398057588196/1201490079187963/f var inviteUiSource = AsanaHelpers.getUrlParams.get('invite_ui_source'); // this property is used to track signups originating from the login page where the user was redirected // more information can be found here: https://app.asana.com/0/1199982652463212/1203290381854355/f var loginRedirectSource = AsanaHelpers.getUrlParams.get('login_target_url'); // START createAccountAutoSignup var emailAlreadySubmitted = AsanaHelpers.getUrlParams.get('email_already_submitted'); // END createAccountAutoSignup // temp cond for contentful enabled signup flow var email_input = isContentful ? form.querySelector('input[type="text"]') : form.querySelector('.input--email'); var email = email_input ? email_input.value : ''; AsanaAnalytics.trackSignupEventsInGtm.storeGtmSignupSubmissionData(); // temp cond for contentful enabled signup flow if (!isContentful) { // display error message and cancel form submission if an email suggestion is available if (!AsanaSignupUtils.validateDomain.validateEmailSuggestion(form)) { AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.invalidEmailErrorCallback(); return; } if (!isValidEmail(email)) { AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.invalidEmailErrorCallback(); AsanaSignupUtils.validateDomain.showEmailFormatValidationError(form); return; } } // temp cond for contentful enabled signup flow if (!isContentful) { var button = form.querySelector('.signupForm-submit'); AsanaSignupUtils.signupButtons.request(button); } var submitData = { email: email.trim(), xsrf_token: AsanaHelpers.getOrCreateXsrfToken(), experiments: AsanaHelpers.getEnrolledExperiments(), seen_tos: true, lang_pref: AsanaTranslations.getLanguagePreference(), ref_lang: AsanaTranslations.getCurrentPageLanguage(), registered_with_trial: AsanaHelpers.trial.isInTrialFlow.toString(), use_case_segment: AsanaHelpers.getUserSegment(), registered_with_use_case_template: AsanaHelpers.getUserTemplate(), buy_on_static_site_enabled: !AsanaHelpers.isMobilePlatform(), }; /* BEGIN FX Asanadotcom > NUX https://app.asana.com/0/1204894739732349/1204919236662848 */ let signUpSourcePath = window.location.pathname; try { // if we're on the create-account page, use the previous page as the sign up source // in the case of document.referrer being empty, signUpSourcePath defaults to current url path if (signUpSourcePath.startsWith('/create-account')) { signUpSourcePath = new URL(document.referrer).pathname; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty } catch {} submitData.asanadotcom_signup_source = signUpSourcePath; /* END FX Asanadotcom > NUX */ if (inviteUiSource) { submitData.invite_ui_source = inviteUiSource; } if (loginRedirectSource) { submitData.login_redirect_source = loginRedirectSource; } if (emailAlreadySubmitted) { submitData.is_optimized_signup_flow_enabled = emailAlreadySubmitted; } // if a user signs up through a partnership page (eg: /align-create-account), add query param if (partnershipChannel) { submitData.registered_with_channel = partnershipChannel; } if (supportsPinVerification) { submitData.supports_pin_verification = supportsPinVerification; } var currentTierName = AsanaHelpers.tier.getCurrentTierName(); if (currentTierName) { // endpoint expects a name like "premium" instead of an id like "tier-starter" submitData.registered_with_tier = currentTierName; } else { //sets default (fallback) tier k/v pair in tier object to premium. AsanaHelpers.tier.defaultTier = 'tier-starter'; //sets ecom config "tier" property to default value set above. AsanaHelpers.tier.setTierDefault(); //sets value to fallback submitData.registered_with_tier = AsanaHelpers.tier.getCurrentTierName(); } // Check for and add UTM params if they exist // Needed for PartnerStack referral tracking try { var utmMedium = AsanaHelpers.getUrlParams.get('utm_medium'); var utmSource = AsanaHelpers.getUrlParams.get('utm_source'); var utmCamapgin = AsanaHelpers.getUrlParams.get('utm_campaign'); var newSubmitExtraData = {}; if (utmMedium && utmSource && utmCamapgin) { newSubmitExtraData.utm_medium = utmMedium; newSubmitExtraData.utm_source = utmSource; newSubmitExtraData.utm_campaign = utmCamapgin; } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to add utm parameters to /-/signup.', error); window.AsanaErrors.notifyException(error); } var ecommerceConfig_collectInfoBeforeSignup = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); ecommerceConfig_collectInfoBeforeSignup['buy_on_static_site_enabled'] = !AsanaHelpers.isMobilePlatform(); ecommerceConfig_collectInfoBeforeSignup['is_trial'] = submitData.registered_with_trial; AsanaStorage.setEcommerceConfig(ecommerceConfig_collectInfoBeforeSignup); /*--- Prepare and make the AJAX request to the /-/signup endpoint ---*/ // 1. Create xhr object and initialize settings var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('POST', AsanaHelpers.appUrl('/-/signup'), true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept','application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01'); xhr.timeout = 30000; xhr.withCredentials = true; // 2. Register the onload function to be called upon receiving response from /-/signup xhr.onload = function() { // Handle successful (200) responses if (xhr.status === 200) { var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); handleSignupSuccess(data, submitData, isContentful, form); } // If response is not 200 handle call our error handler else { handleSignupWithEmailRequestError(xhr, isContentful, isAutoSignup); } }; // 3. Register error handler for requests that encounter network errors xhr.onerror = function() { handleSignupWithEmailRequestError(xhr, isContentful, isAutoSignup); }; // 4. Initiate Request if (window.grecaptcha) { window.grecaptcha.enterprise.ready(() => { window.grecaptcha.enterprise.execute(G_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY, { action: "signup", }).then(function (token) { submitData["g-recaptcha-enterprise-response"] = token; xhr.send(urlEncodeObject(submitData)); }).catch(function (error) { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException("[signupWithEmail] grecaptcha.enterprise.execute failed: " + error.toString()); xhr.send(urlEncodeObject(submitData)); }) }); } else { xhr.send(urlEncodeObject(submitData)); } /** * Handler for both network errors and non-200 responses for requests to /-/signup * * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr - The XMLHttpRequest object used to make the AJAX call to /-/signup * @param {boolean} isContentful - A boolean noting whether the form is from Contentful * @param {string} [options.isAutoSignup] - A boolean noting whether the signup was triggered automatically */ function handleSignupWithEmailRequestError(xhr, isContentful, isAutoSignup) { if (!isContentful) AsanaSignupUtils.signupButtons.reset(); AsanaAnalytics.trackSignupEventsInGtm.init( 'SignupError', 'Error Couldnt Sign Up', xhr.status.toString(), ); AsanaHelpers.trial.setTrialDefault(); if (xhr.statusText) { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException( 'Failed signup[refactored] - showing signup failed modal ' + xhr.statusText ); } else { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException( 'Failed signup[refactored] - showing signup failed modal', ); } if (isAutoSignup) { const signupFailedUrl = window.AsanaHelpers.asanaDotComUrl("/create-account#signup-failed"); const url = new URL(signupFailedUrl, window.location.origin); url.search = window.location.search; window.location.href = url.toString(); } else { AsanaHelpers.showModal('signup-failed'); } } /** * Takes an object and URL encodes it * This is used on our submitData so we can send it with Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" to /-/signup * * @param {object} obj - The object to be URL encoded * * @return {string} - The string containing the URL encoded version of the object */ function urlEncodeObject(obj) { var encodedString = ''; for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (encodedString.length > 0) { encodedString += '&'; } encodedString += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]); } } return encodedString; } /** * Handler for successful signup requests * Called after a successful request to /-/signup endpoint * * @param {object} responseData - An object containing data from the response from the /-/signup api * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.user_is_new - If the user is a new signup * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.is_personal_email - If the user's email was determined to be a personal email * @param {string|undefined} responseData.email_blocked_by_channel_reason - The reason the user's email was blocked by the partnership channel. Undefined if it was not blocked. * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.invalid_channel - If signup request contained an invalid partnership channel * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.user_can_self_serve_channel - If the user can self-serve the partnership channel for signup * @param {string|undefined} responseData.email_domain_provider - The user's email provider * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.google_sso_required - If Google SSO is required * @param {object|undefined} responseData.saml_sso - An object with data related to SAML * @param {string|undefined} responseData.saml_sso.state - "off", "enabled" or "required" * @param {string|undefined} responseData.saml_sso.sign_on_url - The SAML url * @param {string[]|undefined} responseData.billable_group_types_available_for_purchase - "team", "workspace", "new_org" * @param {string|undefined} responseData.encrypted_user_id - The encrypted user id * @param {string|null} responseData.status - "check-email" is signup email was sent, null if not * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.user_is_claimed - If the user is claimed or not * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.should_use_pin_verification - If the user can use pin verification * @param {object} submitData - An object containing data which was submitted to /-/signup * @param {string} submitData.registered_with_trial - A stringified version of a boolean indicating if this was a trial signup * @param {string} submitData.email - The email address used in the signup request * @param {string|undefined} submitData.registered_with_channel - The partnership channel for signup, if one exists * @param {string|undefined} submitData.login_redirect_source - url to redirect user to after signup * @param {boolean} isContentful - A boolean noting whether the form is from Contentful */ function handleSignupSuccess(responseData, submitData, isContentful) { // If user has invalid email, show them an error message const emailDomainProvider = responseData.email_domain_provider; if (!isContentful) { if (emailDomainProvider === 'invalid') { AsanaSignupUtils.signupButtons.reset(); AsanaAnalytics.trackSignupEventsInGtm.init( 'SignupError', 'Error Invalid Email Domain', 'No Suggestion', ); AsanaHelpers.showModal('signup-failed', { is_invalid_email_domain_provider: true, }); AsanaHelpers.trial.setTrialDefault(); return; } } // For partnership signups, check for prevented signups and return if found if (submitData.registered_with_channel) { // Signup request contained an invalid channel value if (responseData.invalid_channel) { AsanaAnalytics.trackSignupEventsInGtm.init( 'SignupError', 'Error invalid partnership channel', 'No Suggestion', ); window.AsanaErrors.notify( 'Failed partnership signup - invalid partnership channel', ); // Run the callback function containing react-specific functionality AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.invalidPartnershipErrorCallback(); return; } // Signup request contained a personal email address, and channel does not allow personal emails if (responseData.email_blocked_by_channel_reason) { let eventMessage = '' if (responseData.email_blocked_by_channel_reason === 'personal_email_blocked') eventMessage = 'Error partnership channel does not accept personal emails'; if (responseData.email_blocked_by_channel_reason === 'non_personal_email_blocked') eventMessage = 'Error partnership blocked non personal email'; AsanaAnalytics.trackSignupEventsInGtm.init( 'SignupError', eventMessage, 'No Suggestion', ); window.AsanaErrors.notify( 'Failed channel signup - ' + responseData.email_blocked_by_channel_reason + ' for channel:' + submitData.registered_with_channel, ); // Run the callback function containing react-specific functionality AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.partnershipEmailBlockedByChannel(responseData.email_blocked_by_channel_reason); return; } } var googleSSORequired = responseData.google_sso_required; var samlSSOState = responseData.saml_sso ? responseData.saml_sso.state : null; var samlSSORedirect = responseData.saml_sso ? responseData.saml_sso.sign_on_url : null; AsanaSignupUtils.setLoginWithSSOSAMLCookie( emailDomainProvider, googleSSORequired, samlSSOState, samlSSORedirect, ); AsanaStorage.setCookie("should_use_pin_verification", responseData.should_use_pin_verification, AsanaStorage.CATEGORY.NECESSARY); var billableGroupTypeResponse = responseData.billable_group_types_available_for_purchase; if (Array.isArray(billableGroupTypeResponse)) { if (billableGroupTypeResponse[0]) { AsanaHelpers.billableGroupType.set(billableGroupTypeResponse[0]); } else { AsanaHelpers.billableGroupType.setFullyPaid(); AsanaStorage.updateEcommerceConfig(function (config) { config['is_trial'] = 'false'; return config; }); } } // Signups that are not allowed to buy on AsanaDotCom are defaulted to workspace var ecommConfig = AsanaStorage.getEcommerceConfig(); if (!ecommConfig['buy_on_static_site_enabled']) { AsanaHelpers.billableGroupType.setUsingEmail(email); } // Pass encrypted_user_id received from signup endpoint response to GTM dataLayer var encryptedUserId = responseData.encrypted_user_id; if (encryptedUserId) { AsanaStorage.setEncryptedUserId(encryptedUserId); AsanaAnalytics.pushDataLayerVars({ cd3: encryptedUserId }); } // responseData.status should almost always equal "check-email" if (responseData.status === 'check-email') { if (responseData.user_is_new || !responseData.user_is_claimed) { redirectNewUser(responseData, submitData); } else { handleExistingUser(responseData, submitData); } } // Existing users can use /-/signup to associate domains with a channel else if ( submitData.registered_with_channel && responseData.user_is_claimed ) { handleExistingUser(responseData, submitData); } // This else block is just a fail safe else { AsanaSignupUtils.signupButtons.reset(); AsanaHelpers.showModal('signup-failed'); window.AsanaErrors.notify( 'Failed signup - request succeeded but responseData.status !== check-email - refactoredSignup', ); } /** * Redirects a new user * Called after a successful request to /-/signup endpoint * * @param {object} response - An object containing data from the response from the /-/signup api * @param {boolean|undefined} response.user_is_new - If the user is a new signup * @param {boolean|undefined} response.is_personal_email - If the user's email was determined to be a personal email * @param {boolean|undefined} response.user_can_self_serve_channel - If the user can self-serve the partnership channel for signup * @param {object} submitData - An object containing data which was submitted to /-/signup * @param {string|undefined} submitData.registered_with_trial - A stringified version of a boolean indicating if this was a trial signup * @param {string|undefined} submitData.registered_with_channel - The partnership channel for signup, if one exists * @param {string} submitData.email - The email address used in the signup request * @param {string|undefined} submitData.login_redirect_source - url to redirect user to after signup */ function redirectNewUser(response, submitData) { if (submitData.registered_with_channel && !response.user_can_self_serve_channel) { AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.partnershipNewUserSelfServeBlockCallback(submitData.email); return; } // If user is unclaimed (unclaimed = has never logged in), // treat them as new in terms of messaging, but not analytics if (response.user_is_new === true) { AsanaAnalytics.trackGTM('all_signup'); AsanaAnalytics.trackGTM('signup_with_email'); } // Track successful trial signups if (submitData.registered_with_trial === 'true') { AsanaAnalytics.trackGTM('trial_signup'); } // Set the SignupEmailType in ecomm-config to personal or work and // track "email type" specific signup events if (response.is_personal_email) { AsanaHelpers.signupEmailType.setSignupEmailTypePersonal(); AsanaAnalytics.trackGTM('signup_with_personal_email'); } else { AsanaHelpers.signupEmailType.setSignupEmailTypeWork(); AsanaAnalytics.trackGTM('signup_with_work_email'); } AsanaStorage.setUserEmailCookie(submitData.email); AsanaAnalytics.sendHashedEmailToGTM(submitData.email); // Send signup event to Segment sendSignupEventToSegment(); var redirect = AsanaSignupUtils.getConfirmationPageRedirect(submitData.login_redirect_source); // Navigate user to confirmation page window.location.href = AsanaHelpers.asanaDotComUrl(redirect); // Remove all modals from screen window.location.hash = ''; } /** * For existing users, tracks the event, and redirects to the app with query parameters * Called after a successful request to /-/signup endpoint when responseData.user_is_new: false, responseData.user_is_claimed: true * * @param {object} responseData - An object containing data from the response from the /-/signup api * @param {object} submitData - An object containing data which was submitted to /-/signup * @param {string|undefined} submitData.registered_with_channel - The partnership channel for signup, if one exists * @param {boolean|undefined} responseData.user_can_self_serve_channel - If the user can self-serve the partnership channel for signup * @param {string} submitData.email - The email address used in the signup request */ function handleExistingUser(responseData, submitData) { AsanaAnalytics.trackGTM('existing_user_signup'); AsanaAnalytics.trackSignupEventsInGtm.init('SignupError', 'Existing User'); if (submitData.registered_with_channel) { if (responseData.user_can_self_serve_channel) { AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.partnershipExistingUserSelfServeCallback(submitData.email); return; } else { AsanaHelpers.signupPreventedCallbacks.partnershipExistingUserSelfServeBlockCallback(submitData.email); return; } } // If an existing user tries to sign up, redirect them to the app login page // Include url params for programs and tracking (such as PartnerStack) var queryParams = window.location.search; window.location = 'https://app.asana.com/-/login' + queryParams; } /** * Defensivly tries to send a signup event to Segment */ function sendSignupEventToSegment() { try { if (AsanaAnalytics?.SegmentAnalytics?.api?.track && AsanaAnalytics.SegmentAnalytics?.events?.SIGNUP) { AsanaAnalytics.SegmentAnalytics.api.track(AsanaAnalytics.SegmentAnalytics.events.SIGNUP); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to send signup event to Segment', error); } } } }, /** * Returns a stringified JSON object containing key-value pairs that represent * the Google Optimize experiments in which a user is enrolled. * * @return '{"experimentId": "enabled|disabled", ...}' */ getEnrolledExperiments: function () { var experiments = {}; try { var gaPropertyIds = window && window.gaData ? Object.keys(window.gaData) : []; gaPropertyIds.forEach(function (gaPropertyId) { var gaProperty = window.gaData[gaPropertyId] || {}; for (var experimentId in gaProperty.experiments) { if (gaProperty.experiments.hasOwnProperty(experimentId)) { // The web app expects variantIds to be either `enabled` or // `disabled`, but Google Optimize gives us integer variantIds and // potentially more than two of them. So we do a dangerous thing: // - we assume that the `0` variantId means `disabled` // - we assume that the `1` variantId means `enabled` // - we ignore any variantId > 1 var variantId = parseInt(gaProperty.experiments[experimentId], 10); if (variantId === 0) { experiments[experimentId] = 'disabled'; } else if (variantId === 1) { experiments[experimentId] = 'enabled'; } else { // no-op, ignore variantIds that aren't 0 or 1 } } } }); } catch (error) { window.AsanaErrors.notifyException(error); } return JSON.stringify(experiments); }, // BEGIN mtm_drive_trial_starts_from_logged_in_interstitial_page_gb /** Globals for the MTM Drive Trial starts from LIIP experiment * https://app.asana.com/0/1208183798724550/1208185721016063 */ loggedInInterstitial: { /** * Callback to be fired when logged in interstitial data fetching is complete. * This will be overridden by component-specific functionality. */ liipCallback: function (data) { }, /** * Global variable to store the data fetched from LoggedInInterstitialDataFetcher */ liipData: null, }, // END mtm_drive_trial_starts_from_logged_in_interstitial_page_gb startsWith: function (str, prefix) { return str.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0; }, endsWith: function (str, suffix) { return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; }, /** * Load Ethn.io * UXR tool that pops up a survey on select pages */ loadEthnio: function () { var pathname = window.location.pathname; var ethnio_id = null; if (pathname === '/' || pathname === '/product' || pathname === '/home') { ethnio_id = 45066; } else if (pathname === '/pricing') { ethnio_id = 50078; } if (ethnio_id) { // prevent ethnio from showing on mobile or IE if (!AsanaHelpers.specialPlatform()) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'https://ethn.io/' + ethnio_id + '.js'; document.head.appendChild(script); } } }, getHash: function () { return window.location.hash.substring(1); }, getParameterByName: function (name, url) { if (!url) { url = window.location.href; } name = name.replace(/[[\]]/g, '\\$&'); var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); }, // Functions same as above, but for a url fragment getParamsFromUrlFragment: function () { var query_string = {}; var hash = location.hash; var vars = hash.slice(1).split('&'); if (vars.length === 1 && vars[0] === '') return ''; for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { var pair = vars[i].split('='); if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === 'undefined') { query_string[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } else if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === 'string') { var arr = [query_string[pair[0]], decodeURIComponent(pair[1])]; query_string[pair[0]] = arr; } else { query_string[pair[0]].push(decodeURIComponent(pair[1])); } } return query_string; }, // @TODO Revisit when URLSearchParams has better support // https://github.com/Asana/asanastatic/pull/269 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URLSearchParams getUrlParams: { get: function (name) { name = name.replace(/[[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'); var results = regex.exec(location.search); return results === null ? results : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); }, has: function (name) { return Boolean(this.get(name)); }, }, generateUrlWithParams: function (base, params) { var url = base; url += '?'; for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { url += encodeURIComponent(params[i].name); url += '='; url += encodeURIComponent(params[i].value); if (i !== params.length - 1) { url += '&'; } } return url; }, debug: { init: function () { var lKey = 'L'.charCodeAt(0); document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === lKey && event.ctrlKey && event.metaKey && event.altKey) { AsanaHelpers.debug.toggleDebugMode(); } }); }, toggleDebugMode: function () { document.documentElement.classList.toggle('-debug'); }, }, }; // Trigger setGlobalClasses once DOM content is loaded window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { AsanaHelpers.setGlobalClasses(); }); /** * Executes immediately after entire DOM is loaded */ window.addEventListener('load', function () { /** * Initialize debug tooling */ AsanaHelpers.debug.init(); /** * OTHER MISC THINGS */ // This seems to be legacy code attaching an 'autocomplete' attribute to dynamically generated JotForm forms. // TODO: determine whether this can be done in JotForm so this snippet below can be removed. document.querySelectorAll(".section--contactForm input").forEach(function(el){ el.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'on'); }); /* i18n */ // set country code as body class, eg g-us var userGeo = AsanaStorage.getUserGeo(); if (userGeo) { document.querySelector("body").classList.add('g-' + userGeo.toLowerCase()); } else { // If this isn't local, we'd be interested to know if the user still doesn't have a geo cookie if (this.window.location.hostname !== 'local.asana.com') { this.fetch('/api/update-metric?' + new URLSearchParams({ type: 'increment', metric: 'production.cookies.geoCookieNotSet', value: 1, })); } } document.querySelectorAll(".guide-article blockquote p").forEach(function(el){ el.setAttribute('data-asanatip', AsanaTranslations.asanaTip[AsanaTranslations.getCurrentPageLanguage()]); }); }); /** * Executes after all assets on the page have loaded */ window.addEventListener('load', function() { if (AsanaStorage.getCookie('is_logged_in')) { // TODO:GTM - this is slot #1 // trying a string dataLayer.push({ logged_in: 'yes', }); } // Because the ethnio script sets a functional cookie, only load ethnio script if user has accepted functional cookies if ( typeof window.OptanonActiveGroups !== 'undefined' && window.OptanonActiveGroups.includes(AsanaStorage.CATEGORY.FUNCTIONAL) ) { try { AsanaHelpers.loadEthnio(); } catch (error) { console.error('Problem loading Ethnio', error); window.AsanaErrors.notifyException(error); } } });