/* Prediction Page:
Plugin: plugins/predictions-page/
Template file: single-predictions-page.php
Sample URL: http://www.goldderby.com/awardshows/expert-predictions/oscars-2015-nominations/best-picture/ */
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var URL = '/season-long-leaderboard/' + $( '#season_long_tvshow' ).val() + '/' + $( '#season_long_tvshow_league' ).val() + '/';
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function() {
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* Lazy Load - jQuery plugin for lazy loading images
* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Mika Tuupola
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Project home:
* http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload
* Version: 1.8.3
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success_callback( response.response, 'tvshow', data_type );
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function success_callback( response, game_type, data_type ){
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if( game_type == 'tvshow' ) {
season_score_nav_class = 'second-nav-item';
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if ( 'season-data' == data_type ) {
season_score_nav_class = 'second-nav-item active';
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var $season_score_data = $( '' ).attr( 'id', 'season_score_data' );
var $best_predix_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', $data_outer_div_class );
response.season_data, function (i, events) {
if (events.game_event_name) {
$league_name = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'league-name' );
$league_name.text( events.game_event_name );
$best_predix_container.append( $league_name );
$data_header_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data-header-container' );
$head1 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'head1' );
$head1.text( 'Username' );
$data_header_container.append( $head1 );
$head2 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'head2' );
$head2.text( 'Accuracy %' );
$data_header_container.append( $head2 );
$head3 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'head2' );
$head3.text( 'Points Won' );
$data_header_container.append( $head3 );
$best_predix_container.append( $data_header_container );
events.scores, function (j, score) {
$user_data_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'user-data-container' );
$data1 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data1' );
$data1.text( parseInt(j) + 1 + '.' );
$user_data_container.append( $data1 );
$data2 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data2' );
$img = $( '
' ).attr( 'src', response.user_info[score.user_id]['image'] );
$data2.append( $img );
$user_data_container.append( $data2 );
$data3 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data3' );
$data3.text( response.user_info[score.user_id]['display_name'] );
$user_data_container.append( $data3 );
$data4 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data4' );
$data4.text( score.average_accuracy );
$user_data_container.append( $data4 );
$data5 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data4' );
$data5.text( score.total_points_won );
$user_data_container.append( $data5 );
$best_predix_container.append( $user_data_container );
$see_more_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'see-more-container' );
$see_more = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'see-more' );
$link_url = '/all-leaderboards/tvshows/recent/';
$see_more_link = $( '' ).attr( 'href', $link_url );
$see_more_link.text( 'See more' );
$see_more.append( $see_more_link );
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$wrapper.append( $season_score_data );
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$wrapper.append( $loading_img_div2 );
var $week_score_data = $( '' ).attr( 'id', 'week_score_data' );
var $best_predix_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', $data_outer_div_class );
response.league_data, function (i, events) {
if (events.game_event_name) {
$event_name = events.game_event_name;
$week_name = '';
if( game_type == 'tvshow' ) {
$event_week_name = $event_name.split( ': ' );
$event_name = $event_week_name[0];
$week_name = $event_week_name[1];
$league_name = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'league-name' );
$league_name.text( $event_name );
$best_predix_container.append( $league_name );
$episode_name = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'episode-name' );
$episode_name.text( $week_name );
$best_predix_container.append( $episode_name );
$data_header_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data-header-container' );
$head1 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'head1' );
$head1.text( 'Username' );
$data_header_container.append( $head1 );
$head2 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'head2' );
$head2.text( 'Accuracy %' );
$data_header_container.append( $head2 );
$head3 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'head2' );
$head3.text( 'Points Won' );
$data_header_container.append( $head3 );
$best_predix_container.append( $data_header_container );
events.scores, function (j, score) {
$user_data_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'user-data-container' );
$data1 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data1' );
$data1.text( parseInt(j) + 1 + '.' );
$user_data_container.append( $data1 );
$data2 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data2' );
$img = $( '
' ).attr( 'src', response.user_info[score.user_id]['image'] );
$data2.append( $img );
$user_data_container.append( $data2 );
$data3 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data3' );
$data3.text( response.user_info[score.user_id]['display_name'] );
$user_data_container.append( $data3 );
$data4 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data4' );
$data4.text( score.game_summary_accuracy );
$user_data_container.append( $data4 );
$data5 = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'data4' );
$data5.text( score.game_summary_total_points_won );
$user_data_container.append( $data5 );
$best_predix_container.append( $user_data_container );
$see_more_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'see-more-container' );
$see_more = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'see-more' );
$link_url = '/leaderboard/' + events.league_slug;
$see_more_link = $( '' ).attr( 'href', $link_url );
$see_more_link.text( 'See more' );
$see_more.append( $see_more_link );
$see_more_container.append( $see_more );
$see_more_arrow_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'right-arrow-container' );
$see_more_arrow = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'right-arrow' );
$see_more_arrow_container.append( $see_more_arrow );
$see_more_container.append( $see_more_arrow_container );
$best_predix_container.append( $see_more_container );
$week_score_data.append( $best_predix_container );
$wrapper.append( $week_score_data );
/*****See all leaderboard link code start here******/
var $links_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'links-container' );
var $see_all_leaderboards_link_container = $( '' ).attr( 'id', 'see-all-leaderboards-link-container' );
var $see_all_leaderboard_link = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'see-all-leaderboard-link' );
if( game_type == 'tvshow' ) {
var $link = $( '' ).attr( 'href', '/all-leaderboards/tvshows/recent/' );
$link.text( 'See All TV Shows Leaderboards' );
} else {
var $link = $( '' ).attr( 'href', '/all-leaderboards/awardshows/recent/' );
$link.text( 'See All Awardshow Leaderboards' );
$see_all_leaderboard_link.append( $link );
var $right_arrow_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'right-arrow-container' );
var $right_arrow = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'right-arrow' );
$right_arrow_container.append( $right_arrow );
$see_all_leaderboards_link_container.append( $see_all_leaderboard_link );
$see_all_leaderboards_link_container.append( $right_arrow_container );
$links_container.append( $see_all_leaderboards_link_container );
$wrapper.append( $links_container );
/*****See all leaderboard link code ends here******/
var $predix_button_container_main = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'predix-button-container-main' );
var $predix_button_container = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'predix-button-container' );
var $link = $( '' ).attr( 'href', '/leagues' );
var $predix_button = $( '' ).attr( 'class', 'predix-button' );
$predix_button.text( 'Make My Predictions' );
$link.append( $predix_button );
$predix_button_container.append( $link );
$predix_button_container_main.append( $predix_button_container );
$wrapper.append( $predix_button_container_main );
$( '.best-predix-scores-widget #best-predix-data-container-main' ).append( $wrapper );
* Script for custom comments functionality.
(function($) {
$( document ).ready(
function() {
if ( 0 == $( '.custom-comments' ).length ) {
// return if we are not on correct page.
* Read More, Comment and Reply Buttons click events
$( '.custom-comments .read-more, .custom-comments .comments, .custom-comments .reply, .custom-comments .add-a-comment' ).on(
'click', function (e) {
var form_id = $(this).parents('.custom-comments').attr('id');
$( '#comments-area-' + form_id ).toggle().css('display', 'flex');
$( '#read-more-area-' + form_id ).toggle();
// Expand reasons text on /awardshows/expert-predictions/* pages.
$( '#' + form_id ).parent().children('.reasons-area').css('display', 'block').hide().show(500);
* Hide button click event
$( '.comments-area .hide-button' ).on(
'click', function (e) {
var form_id = $(this).parents('.custom-comments').attr('id');
$( '#comments-area-' + form_id ).slideToggle();
$( '#read-more-area-' + form_id ).slideToggle();
// Collapse reasons text on /awardshows/expert-predictions/* pages.
$( '#' + form_id ).parent().children('.reasons-area').css('display', '-webkit-box');
* Submit button OnClick event
$( '.comments-area .add-reply-button' ).on(
'click', function (e) {
var form_id = $(this).parents('.custom-comments').attr('id');
var nonce = $( '#nonce-' + form_id ).val();
var identifier = $( '#identifier-' + form_id ).val();
var textarea = $( '#reply-text-' + form_id );
var reply_text = textarea.val();
var submit_buttton = $(this);
if ( '' === form_id || '' === nonce || '' === textarea.val() ) {
// Update submit button.
submit_buttton.html('Saving, please wait..');
submit_buttton.css('color', '#aaa');
// Disable input text area
textarea.attr('placeholder', 'Saving..');
textarea.attr('disabled', 'true');
method: "POST",
url: '/wp-json/gameplay/v1/add-comment/',
data: { identifier: identifier, reply_text: reply_text },
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', nonce );
success: function (response) {
if ( 'success' == response.message ) {
// Display Comment
var HTML = build_comments_html( response );
$(HTML).insertAfter( '#' + form_id + ' .header' );
// Enable input text area
textarea.attr('placeholder', 'Add your comment here..');
// Enable submit button
submit_buttton.html(' Submit');
submit_buttton.css('color', '#0088cc');
// Animate BG color for the new comment.
$('#' + response.id).hide().fadeIn();
// Add remove events again.
} else {
// Error
fail: function (response) {
// Error
function build_comments_html( data ) {
// if user can remove the comment.
var trashHTML = '';
if ( true === data.remove ) {
trashHTML = ' Remove
var HTML = '';
return HTML;
function add_remove_event() {
* Remove a comment
$( '.comments-area .trash' ).on(
'click', function (e) {
var form_id = $(this).parents('.custom-comments').attr('id');
var comment_id = $(this).parents('.comments-row').attr('id');
var nonce = $( '#nonce-' + form_id ).val();
var form_user = $( '#form-user-' + form_id ).val();
$('#' + comment_id).fadeOut('slow');
method: "POST",
url: '/wp-json/gameplay/v1/delete-reply/',
data: { id: comment_id, form_user: form_user},
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', nonce );
success: function (response) {
if ( 'success' == response.message ) {
$('#' + comment_id).remove();
} else {
// Error
fail: function (response) {
// Error
* Show more comments
$( '.show-more-comments' ).on(
'click', function (e) {
var form_id = $(this).parents('.custom-comments').attr('id');
var form_user = $( '#form-user-' + form_id ).val();
var nonce = $( '#nonce-' + form_id ).val();
$('#show-more-link-' + form_id ).hide();
$('#loading-' + form_id ).show();
// Find last comment id ( comments are loaded in DESC form)
var last_comment_id = $( '#' + form_id + ' .comments-row').last().attr('id');
if ( '' === last_comment_id ) {
method: "POST",
url: '/wp-json/gameplay/v1/more-comments/',
data: { id: last_comment_id, form_user: form_user },
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', nonce );
success: function (response) {
if ( 'success' == response.message ) {
var array_length = response.comments.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < array_length; i++ ) {
var HTML = build_comments_html( response.comments[i] );
$('#more-comments-' + form_id ).append( HTML );
$('#loading-' + form_id ).hide();
if ( response.total_replies === array_length ) {
$('#show-more-link-' + form_id ).hide();
} else {
$('#show-more-link-' + form_id ).show();
} else {
// Error
$('#loading-' + form_id ).hide();
$('#show-more-link-' + form_id ).hide();
fail: function (response) {
// Error
// To Do:
(function($) {
$('body #top-ten-gallery-container').on(
'click', '.ui-sortable li .ttg-arrow-cont .fa-chevron-up', function (index) {
var $curr = $( this );
var $first_element = $curr.closest( 'li' );
var $first_element_content = $first_element.html();
var $first_element_pos = $first_element.attr( 'data-pos' );
var $first_element_item_id = $first_element.attr( 'data-gallery_item_id' );
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$second_element = $first_element.prev( 'li' );
} else {
$second_element = $first_element.prev().prev( 'li' );
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var $second_element_pos = $second_element.attr( 'data-pos' );
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if ( $first_element_content != 'undefined' && $second_element_content != 'undefined' ) {
$first_element.html( $second_element_content );
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$sno_element.html($second_element_pos + '.');
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'click', '.ui-sortable li .ttg-arrow-cont .fa-chevron-down', function (index) {
var $curr = $( this );
var $first_element = $curr.closest( 'li' );
var $first_element_content = $first_element.html();
var $first_element_pos = $first_element.attr( 'data-pos' );
var $first_element_item_id = $first_element.attr( 'data-gallery_item_id' );
var $second_element = '';
var $previous_element = $first_element.next();
if ( $previous_element.is( "li" ) ) {
$second_element = $first_element.next( 'li' );
} else {
$second_element = $first_element.next().next( 'li' );
var $second_element_content = $second_element.html();
var $second_element_pos = $second_element.attr('data-pos');
var $second_element_item_id = $second_element.attr( 'data-gallery_item_id' );
if ( $first_element_content != 'undefined' && $second_element_content != 'undefined' ) {
$sno_element = $first_element.find('.ttg-rec-sno');
$sno_element.html($first_element_pos + '.');
$first_element.attr( 'data-gallery_item_id', $second_element_item_id );
$sno_element = $second_element.find('.ttg-rec-sno');
$sno_element.html($second_element_pos + '.');
$second_element.attr( 'data-gallery_item_id', $first_element_item_id );
'click', '.ttg-btn-container .ttg-btn.ttg-btn-enabled', function () {
var $u_id = $('#u_id').val();
var $total_items = $('#total_items').val();
var $gallery_id = $('#gallery_id').val();
var $nonce = $('#top_ten_widget_nonce').val();
var $choices = [];
/***** Loading image starts here ******/
$loadin_img = $( '
' ).attr( 'src', '/wp-content/themes/vip/pmc-goldderby/assets/images/loading.gif' );
$loadin_img.attr( 'alt', 'Loading...' );
$('.msg-container').html( $loadin_img );
/***** Loading image ends here ******/
// Disable Save button
$('.btn-cont button').removeClass('ttg-btn-enabled');
$('.btn-cont button').addClass('ttg-btn-disabled');
if (parseInt($total_items) > 0) {
var $first_li_element = $('#top-ten-gallery-container').find('li');
var $next_li_element = $first_li_element;
var $item_id = $($first_li_element).attr('data-gallery_item_id');
$choices[0] = $item_id;
for (var i = 1; i < parseInt($total_items); i++) {
$next_li_element = $next_li_element.next('li');
$item_id = $($next_li_element).attr('data-gallery_item_id');
$choices[i] = $item_id;
method: "POST",
url: '/wp-json/top-ten/v1/top-ten-save-choices/',
data: {
user_id: $u_id,
gallery_id: $gallery_id,
choices: $choices
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce', $nonce);
success: function (response) {
if ( 'success' === response.message ) {
// Success
$('.ttg-btn-container').css('display', 'none');
$sec_txt_div = $('').attr('class', 'sec-txt-cont');
$sec_txt_sub_div = $('').attr('class', 'sec-txt-sub-cont');
$sec_txt_sub_div.html('If your list is final, click last save below. or go back to change.');
$sec_btns_div = $('').attr('class', 'sec-btns-cont');
$sec_btn1_div = $('').attr('class', 'sec-btn1-cont');
$sec_btn1 = $('